A series “thriller” produced by SaigonTV, will officially broadcast on the MCV Network system and on SaigonTV Movie channel within the month 4 this

After the success of 3 series of short films about the detective genre "Follow the Trace" , “Bustling society of the era”, “Judgment Team” broadcast on HTV, THVL.

So this month, SaigonTV promises to release a new detective series called "Decoding the Crime".

Series this time, promises to bring the audience dramatic crime solving scenes, Intertwining the complex psychological developments of each character in the film.

With the participation of actors such as:

Ho Duy Phuong as "Investigator"

Kim Quyen as "Female scout"

Along with that is a cast of other veteran actors

“Humans know how to lie, But the evidence is not.”

The movie will be broadcast on YouTube SaigonTV Movie at 7:00 p.m 2, 4,6 weekly.

We invite you to watch!!