What is branding?? Branding is not just about building a brand strategy

Branding is an extremely brief concept but very in-depth when it comes to understanding and analyzing. Have we ever wondered how a brand can turn first-time shoppers into loyal customers?, Or why they convince otherwise indifferent people to become active brand “spokespeople”?.

Besides that, Branding is also understood as a series of actions from individuals or branding teams to help customers have enough awareness of the image., the role and value of that brand.

To answer the above two questions, let's SaigonTV Refer to the article below to really understand properly and fully understand about Branding concept.

Error in the definition of Branding

When we manipulate the search term "What is branding?” is on Google, you will get over four hundred thousand results appearing in less than 0,5 seconds. Most of them point to a definition that, Branding is a process or way of building a brand strategy, help brands to approach early and accelerate the speed of persuading customer behavior in favor of businesses.

But if that's the case, then why do we often use the phrase "do branding"in daily brand communication? Is Branding simply a strategy and using brand communication capacity to change perception?, improve behavior thereby increasing the purchasing power of products or choosing to use services in a positive direction?

Where does the concept of branding come from?

Branding originates from the word "brand" in the Nordic language, the agricultural revolution of mankind, which means "to burn up." They burn the grass, straw for the purpose of restoring nutrients for the next crop, This is considered a primitive form of ownership, Notify people's property to each other.

The flame in this era can be seen as a precursor to the brand logo in modern times, But branding is not just looking at the design of the logo, but behind it is a whole way of discovering a series of good feelings about the brand - coming from the end consumer or the potential audience that the business is targeting..

If “brand” is a set of positive consumer perceptions for the brand, then "branding" will be specific actions to gain those perceptions.

So, “brand” is a noun while “branding” would be a verb with complete meaning. Designing a brand logo is also doing branding, Building a brand personality and voice is also branding, even building a behavioral culture of the company's human resources is also a part of brand branding.

Branding also needs rules

No matter how good a product is, it has a limited lifespan, But a professionally built and professional brand will last forever over time. The foundation of professionalism in branding is compliance with the principles, most of which will appear in that brand's Brand Guidelines.

Definition of brand - Branding - ATP

Get specific examples of how to approach and promote product or service information to potential customers. These people often follow the news on television, books and traditional mass media, or tend to be constantly updated with the latest news through social networks and other online channels.

Remember that the two-sided rule is used, applied or not used, should not be applied but should not be too greedy in building brand image and voice – leading to information dilution and creating a negative impression in the eyes of consumers. Combine more with analysis and market research, The brand will have the most intuitive perspective to choose to invest in a few key information channels, instead of spreading investment but only to get a trickle effect.

Are you branding yourself without even knowing it??

When it comes to the concept of branding, many people will immediately think of a methodical and disciplined branding process, or famous brands in the domestic and foreign markets.

But in reality, The ultimate goal of branding is still to create awareness and any awareness from the people around, for brand image or even personal image of each person is also branding. A grocery store can also do branding and build a brand image by never giving back money to shoppers., An elementary school teacher can also do branding and build a personal image by always coming to school on time.

While marketing only contributes to the process of converting potential customers into real customers, branding creates a more sustainable foundation for the brand's future, Connecting customers with both reason and emotion, build loyalty so as said – marketing 0 co-branding by creating the habit of word of mouth promotion.

Stay tuned for the next part SaigonTV learn about the content surrounding the question What does branding contribute to brand success?? nhé!

Articles referenced from: Vu Digital