Do small and medium businesses need to make video marketing??

In the context of developing digital technology, commercial video was and is marketing strategy that every small and medium business owner cannot ignore. This is not just an effective form of marketing to help businesses increase revenue and brand recognition, but also preferred by customers than other ways traditional marketing. Because, The current, Users care a lot about the change in experience and buying habits.

Depending on each customer group, the need to receive information will change. But most users will prefer to get information through watching a few short videos rather than having to read a long page of introductory text.. The current, Top Marketing Trends Are digital video advertising.

The best tool to convert customer excitement into revenue and grow your brand is online video advertising informative. Promotional videos, even if they are shown on any social networking platform, will still promote their full potential.


Saigon TV will help you be more successful in creating a Video Marketing for your business through 5 Here are some tips.

Exciting in the first seconds

3 The opening seconds of your video are really important. Businesses need to capture the attention of viewers immediately to avoid potential customers skipping your ad.

In the first few seconds by solving a special problem, or ask related questions

something relevant or shareable in an attempt to attract users.


Emphasize the distinctive features of the brand

During the production of content for promotional videos, always ask yourself that why viewers need to care about your brand?

Can you answer this question?, It will definitely make viewers feel the greatness of the product that your business brings. Let your customers know what makes your brand unique and different in the consumer market. Advertisement Your business will be most effective when the company benefits are highlighted and easy to understand.

Video time quantification

Most online video advertising with duration from 30 seconds or less. So, Please carefully select the information you want customers to access to avoid turning Brand promotional video into a documentary.

However, A long video can also bring a certain effect if you want to use them to Brand Positioning mine. The key to retaining your audience is to focus on spreading your message as quickly as possible..

Let viewers know why

Before starting to prepare an advertising idea, Always remember that you need to let your audience know why they should choose your brand and what makes your product or service more special than the competition..

Don't just focus too much on the great value you will bring to users, but tell them why they should choose your brand to accompany them.. Clarify and emphasize that reason before planning and executing quay promotional film.

Call to action

Usually, common, normal, The main goal of advertising is to focus on user habits to stimulate customers to take action. Video marketing It is also a calling case that businesses need to pay special attention to. Depends on your goals, call to action (CTA) can be captured live or added to video through graphics and text.

However, commercial video should best include CTA at the end of the video so viewers easily know how to visit your website for more details, sign up for discounts or buy advertised products and services.

Summary, Businesses should pay attention to the above items when planning to do video marketing online products for your brand. Whether the company's goal is to increase sales or spread brand awareness, you will see Video Marketing is an effective strategy. With knowledge that SaigonTV Share in the post above, hope you succeed with the strategy video advertising this.

Thuy Tien