What is Emotional Marketing?? Answer the form of emotional marketing from A- Z

The ads have a cheerful spirit, Dynamic advertising will always be welcomed and loved by viewers more than a "tasteless" advertisement, right?? That is one of the great benefits of using emotional elements in good marketing Emotional Marketing bring to viewers.

To learn more about the concept Emotional Marketing – An extremely interesting form of marketing and brings very good communication effects to brands, Please also SaigonTV Please refer to the article below!

What is Emotional Marketing??

Emotional Marketing is a form of marketing that uses emotional elements to attract target audiences, make them remember, share, and buy your brand products.

Many studies have proven about shopping habits, The reason we buy is emotional, not rational. Logic is what comes after emotions, as consumers try to rationalize their choices

Another study also showed that, when comparing brands in general, Customers mainly use personal feelings (sensory, practical experience) than product information, and there is no more reliable measure of advertising's impact on brand sales than popularity..

Emotional Marketing — The scientific way to sway buyers through  advertisement
Image: Litmus

Using Emotion elements in marketing

In marketing in general, In advertising in particular, marketers can use emotional factors such as joy, sadness, people's fear or anger to attract public attention, and increase advertising effectiveness


Usually, common, normal, an ad that carries positive emotions, or joy will receive attention and sharing from everyone. Can see, The spread of these advertisements to the public is absolutely amazing.

Take advantage of these great advantages, Not only do they incorporate it into their advertising, but many brands have oriented their main spirit to always be happy, positive, bring joy to everyone.


Many are afraid that incorporating sadness into advertising will not be effective and inserting it into an advertisement. However, by evoking empathy, Hitting the right painpoint of the public will help bring unexpected communication effectiveness.

Emotional Marketing -
Image: Marketing360

Advertising truly touches the hearts and awareness of the public if marketers are skillful, Meticulously measure the appropriate dose.

One small note, Overusing or "overdoing" this factor will bring more negative impacts than positive ones. therefore, Be smart when integrating this emotional element into your communication campaign.


Using negative emotional elements such as "fear" seems harmful, but it brings very good communication efficiency to the brand if used properly.

Fear, Human obsession with something is a powerful motivator that motivates people to act.


By making viewers feel angry, pressing, Advertisements can stimulate viewers' thoughts about social issues such as environmental pollution, Gender inequality...thereby, motivate them to take action for change.

Why Emotional Marketing is effective

Emotional marketing works because consumers often feel satisfied when a brand shares a similar emotion with them. Here are a few reasons why emotion marketing is so effective.

Easy to remember, unforgettable

People often remember an ad or story better if it relates to their own experiences.

Brands often create compelling stories that target specific public experiences and emotions, when they remember these feelings it becomes linked, reminds of the brand.

Creates an immediate response

The public can react immediately to things that make them feel happy, sad, or even fear.

This helps the public recognize the brand in the future as one that gives them immediate emotions.

Emotional Marketing - A Strategy To Connect With The Customer In A Humane  WayMarketing Weekly
Image: Marketing Weekly

Help customers make decisions

An emotional connection can influence a customer to buy your product instead of another brand. If two products are similar in both price and quality, Customers will choose a product that connects with them more.

Inspire action

Besides purchasing, Emotion marketing can persuade consumers to interact by commenting, Share with their friends. If an advertisement makes them feel happy, They can share your ad on their personal page and the same, if the ad makes them feel afraid or sympathetic about something.

Above is all the basic information about Emotional Marketing but SaigonTV want to share with you. Hopefully this article will provide you with a lot of useful information about marketing in general and form Emotional Marketing in particular.

If you have any questions that need to be answered, Please leave a comment or message SaigonTV for detailed answers.

– to be continued –

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