Emotional Marketing campaigns promote the purchasing decision process: When shopping behavior is influenced by emotions

Instead use logic and reasoning, 95% Users tend to make purchasing decisions based on emotions. When emotions are a key factor in the user's decision-making process, Hitting hard on this feeling is how brands like P&G, Coca Cola, Tide,… Build deeper connections with potential consumers and encourage them to make purchases.

Join SaigonTV to discover what to keep in mind when implementing campaigns Emotional Marketing through this article.

Why Emotional Marketing campaigns are effective?

Many studies show that the human brain often processes thinking and makes decisions at two levels. The first level is emotions. Here, The brain processes information automatically and unconsciously, while providing quick feedback with virtually no user mental effort. For example, when having to choose between Pepsi and Coca-Cola, Burger King and McDonald's,… Users will automatically "pop up" answers based on emotions.

Positive and Negative Emotions are applied in Emotional Marketing
Positive and Negative Emotions are applied in Emotional Marketing. Image: Wewin

Opposite, The second level requires more time because people need to make decisions based on reason and logic. this time, Emotional Marketing (Emotional Marketing) becomes an effective strategy for brands to promote consumers' purchasing decisions thanks to its ability to quickly impact the first level of the brain through emotions.. These reactions come from experience, how users feel when they use the product or read news related to it.

When a person loves brand A more than B, It's not necessarily because A's products/services are better, it's because this brand has implemented better emotional connection campaigns.

Which emotions will make users interact the most??

After analysis 10.000 Most shared articles on websites, Research by Buzzsumo and marketer Noah Kagan has distilled the emotions most likely to impact users.. Inside, Fear takes over 25%, fun 17% and entertainment 15% are the three most common emotions. Opposite, angry, sadness and surprise only occupy words 1 come 6%.

Besides, Two researchers at Wharton also dug deeper into viral content on social networks to find their similarities. From that, They found that emotion is a factor that affects the popularity of content. Specifically, Content that entertains users, feel satisfied or the facts, Shocking data is more likely to be shared.

Common emotions in Emotional Marketing
Common emotions in Emotional Marketing. Image: Wewin

Besides that, The same type of emotion but different tones will lead to different feelings. “Wheel of Emotions” by Robert Plutchik shows the scope of 8 main emotions: scared, surprise, sad, hideous, angry, happy, trust and hope.

Above is all the basic information about Emotional Marketing but SaigonTV want to share with you. Hopefully this article will provide you with a lot of useful information about marketing in general and its forms Emotional Marketing in particular.

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Theo Glints