What is contextual advertising?? What are the basic features and how this type of advertising works??

The current, It is not difficult for users to come across different forms of advertising such as: banner, pop-up, logo… when accessing any website. However, All these forms have a major limitation that is low orientation, Advertising messages are difficult to target customers. To overcome the limitation on form contextual advertising was born.

Contextual advertising What is that?

Firstly, you need to understand contextual advertising (Contextual ads) What is that Before learning what are the characteristics of contextual advertising, How does it work?.

The concept of contextual advertising is understood as a form of advertising websites or other media aimed at customers based on factors such as::

– Time, Geographical location, context and context of the client's article to reach the ad.

– Customers' website visit habits.

Contextual advertising is understood as a form of advertising websites or other media aimed at customers.

In other words, Contextual advertising will help businesses display ads that best suit the needs of customers by identifying the content on the website and their usage circumstances.. To help you better understand Contextual advertising concept, SaigonTV will give 2 Here are some specific examples:

For example 1: A customer living in the North is browsing a website with content about watches. Right now, Ads of watch suppliers with addresses in the northern provinces will be displayed.

For example 2: Are you looking for information about cheap Surface suitable for office workers?. A series of banners, pop-up… containing promotional content Surface will display right next to the article you are reading.

What are the basic features of contextual advertising??

Contextual advertising is now considered a large part of internet advertising. therefore, The emergence of this form has helped advertisers automate the process of analyzing and planning advertising..

Advertising when displayed will be related to the content as well as the user's usage situation thanks to the help of contextual ads. By that, Your advertising becomes more useful and customer-friendly.

Admicro's QC technology] - Contextual advertising technology
Through this form of advertising, business becomes more helpful and customer-friendly.

Contextual advertising help business:

– Increase customer engagement, Specifically, increasing the rate of viewing and clicking on ads.

– Enhance personalization. Since every message is delivered to the customer at the right time, their experience is also greatly improved.

– Bring efficiency and higher income for website owners. At the same time, Limit the inconvenience that ads cause to viewers.

– Optimize advertising costs by contextual ads Has a very flexible toll system. Specifically it is: charge based on impressions, the value of each customer click or interaction on the ad.

How it works contextual advertising

For those who have heard of this form of advertising for the first time or do not work in the advertising industry, how it works Contextual ads This is a common question everyone has. For contextual ads, advertising campaigns will operate through an advertising system and this system will:

– Scan website text for keywords and images related to a specific topic.

– The system will show ads if the keywords and images match the theme of the website.

Pros and cons of contextual advertising

Advantages of contextual advertising

The automation of ad serving has benefited many online content publishers and online advertising agencies..

Publishers, From large websites to small blogs, can run ads through automation without having to have an ad sales department dedicated to finding buyers or an IT department to display and track ads.

Besides that, This form of advertising also gives advertisers more options and the ability to send messages to profitable audiences without having to search for them themselves..

Technology is also evolving in such a way that the ads themselves can be further customized according to the demographics and geographic location of the user., don't just rely on the content on the page.

Contextual advertising (Contextual Advertising) and pros and cons of contextual advertising
Besides the advantages that contextual advertising brings, There are still shortcomings that need to be overcome.

Disadvantages of contextual advertising

Because the advertising process can be automated, distracting or annoying users by interrupting content is seen as a disadvantage of contextual advertising. Besides, because advertising is very popular, they are often overlooked or can be placed next to competitors' ads.

Not only that, consumers while searching for content may not click on ads.

Come to SaigonTV, Your business will be deeply researched and analyzed by us about products and services, understand the problems that your brand is facing as well as the goals it is aiming for, from which to advise the most effective advertising steps in each stage..

If you need advice on the marketing services or professional advertising then please message fanpage SaigonTV or contact us right away hotline (028).625.522.88 – 0908.966.889 nhé!