Sitcom 888 The story revolves around the small hamlet of the popular family Mr. Tam Thach (widower), Be a farmer and drive a traditional motorbike taxi with 2 daughter 25 age is not yet thin love shoulder (My Vy)
Capital of enthusiasm, many things but good nature, has a daughter who likes to "serious" all problems in the neighborhood, Mr. Thach knew almost everything and 'did his hands in'; solve the secrets of each house. All depict the picture of life, Everyone has their own problems, but only different ways of dealing with and seeing things.
With the genre Social-comedy length 7 minutes/episode, “neighborhood 888” Can describe all the stories about a small neighborhood, where he is Eight Stones living in a gathering of social classes. It is a multi-dimensional perspective and different behavior between the poor and the rich, knowledge people and workers. Are valuable lessons learned from mistakes. It's a laugh, but it's humane and meaningful.
(Topic range)
*Some behind-the-scenes photos of “hamlet 888“
hamlet 888 aired since 17/07/2023 on channel Yeah1 & SaigonTV Movie. Invites viewers to watch!