What is media??

Communication is a broad concept to refer to activities for the purpose of communicating, Spread the word to everyone.

What is media?? This is one of the questions that many of you are quite interested in. Special, in the era of information explosion technology 4.0 Nowadays, the media plays a very important role. To learn more about the media, let's SaigonTV Find out more information below this article!

What is the definition of media??

The concept of communication is understood as the process of exchanging and interacting information between two or more people to increase understanding., Bustling society of the era. Or it can be understood that the media are the products created by people themselves, which are the driving force behind the development of society..

In a sharp way, communication is the process of exchanging emotions, attitude or language by conveying information. Communication is as simple as applying language, writing, images create many colors that directly affect the mind of the target audience.

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Basic elements of the communication process

Source: It is the starting place or the initiator for all information to spread.

Content: Information or messages built from the content itself so that meaningful works such as stories can be produced., posts, videos and pictures,…

Transmission channel: Through the form of television, radio, newspapers, public opinion to convey information to the public through the Internet.

Recipient: It is the object that searches for information to transmit information to.

Feedback: It's the information, comments who receive feedback back.

Noise: The information is wrong in the process of spreading.

What is the role of the media??

Communication is a very important element in building strategies and Marketing development. This is the means to promote the brand, Communication is the deciding factor for the survival or explosion of the brand.

If you use communication in the process of operating to spread or spread information, it will bring absolute value to your brand.. Business will thrive if you know how to exploit effectively.

The basic means of communication today

Communication has many forms, depending on the person building the marketing strategy to be able to reach customers. With the increasing development of information technology today, through the internet, businesses can take advantage of other optimal communication channels..

In addition to understanding the concept What is media? Currently, there are many different media to carry out marketing work close to customers, including:: newspapers, website, TV, radio,… At the top of the media today through the Internet especially social media (Social Media), as specific as: Instagram, Twitter, Facebook,… According to statistics, social networks account for more than 40% number of participants using this medium.

Television media is the media that plays an important role. Inside, Newspapers are the most popular means of communication today, besides there are a number of other media such as: radio, CD, book, film, advertisement,…

How does media influence life??

Communication has many obvious benefits to support people's development and affects all aspects of human life. Besides that, Communication has the power to spread strongly and quickly to the community. From the definition of communication, it can be seen that this is the connection of people with people through all forms of communication to create a strong and deep connection..

The media has a direct influence on the country so that the State can issue cultural policies- society, economic policy, The law is accessible to the people. Relying on state media can propagate and give opinions to poll public opinion to improve policies and develop the country.. This is a bridge to help the state agree from the people.

Besides that, The benefit that the media brings is providing information about the law, politic, life receives more knowledge for the whole people. Help the whole people grasp the information around, change perception and action.

In addition to serving the needs of life, Tradition also supports business processes, promote products that attract interested consumers, promote shopping behavior and product selection, business services.

With the above benefits, You can also understand that the media is a tool for the State and businesses, The company fully exploits and contributes to promoting the integration process of national economic development. With the information obtained SaigonTV Share here for sure you also understand better What is media?? These are very basic definitions so don't miss it. Especially if you are in need looking for a job in journalism - media, Want to develop a career in this profession?.