How to properly SEO when using Headless CMS? - Part 1

SEO is an important conversion channel for most eCommerce businesses.

In this article SaigonTV will just focus on how SEO với Headless CMS.

The article is quite long so SaigonTV will divide 2 part. In the first part, we will learn about The difference between SEO in Headless CMS compared to Traditional CMS

Let's SaigonTV Let's find out in the article below.

  1. Is SEO different when you use Headless CMS?

The principles for a good SEO strategy are the same, whether you use a CMS without a front-end or a traditional CMS. Nhưng chắc hẳn có một số lợi ích mà Headless CMS mang lại cho SEO.

The superiority of Headless CMS for SEO is expressed in the ability and ease of implementing even the most complex and complex structures as well as general flexibility to display relevant content in the right place.

Headless CMS - What it is, Pros, Cons & do You Need it?
Is SEO different when you use Headless CMS? – Image: Tech Prastish

Compared to older CMS-based ones like Drupal or WordPress, those that use a headless CMS have to put in a little more effort early on in the design phase, planning and coding.

  1. Basic SEO differences between Headless CMS vs Traditional CMS

In traditional CMS, All the features needed to perform basic on-page SEO are built in or plugins are available. With Headless CMS, SEO is not that simple and you have to go through some additional steps first. But it will be valuable for your business.

2.1. SEO Onpage

Whether we are talking about meta tags, SEO-friendly URLs or image alt attributes, any traditional CMS should have dedicated text boxes for those.

In the case of Headless CMS it is a bit more complicated. Bạn phải xem xét kỹ lưỡng các yếu tố đó và triển khai trình giữ chỗ cho chúng phù hợp với nhà phát triển của bạn.

Examples of SEO-related elements that you would create separately include:

  • Meta tag
  • Title tag
  • Meta description
EO Onpage
Some factors to consider when doing on-page SEO

Some factors to consider when doing on-page SEO

  • Instructions for collecting information
  • Standard card
  • Follow/unfollow
  • Index/noindex

2.2. Content modeling

Let's say you want to migrate your ecommerce site to frontendless commerce then one of the steps you need to take is called Content Modeling.

That means you'll build an outline for each content template structure you currently have in your store. It is related to the product, category, blog, v.v. Trong Headless CMS, these are often called entries. Each item will have many different related fields.

So, unlike traditional CMS, where each page element is tightly linked directly to the page, trong Headless CMS, you have an entry where many different components are specified. therefore, Headless CMS can be thought of as a content repository where you store all the components of your content, even text, digital or multimedia.

In the next article, we learned about together How to use Headless CMS how to increase SEO results same way Headless CMS combination along with other content.

Together SaigonTV waiting for Useful information in section 2 nhé!


Theo Sapo